Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring is in the air-

The worst winter in the history of the eastern Panhandle seems to be over. It is early yet, and the ground hog did see his shadow, but the snow is mostly melted and the sun is mostly shining, and the robins are coming back. Optimism is a great thing.

Yet another puzzle is upon me. As I am building some momentum in this new place, as I am growing relationships, developing trust, finding out who is who and what team they are playing for, I find myself perplexed. First impressions are usually false, and I knew that when I made my mine. The truth of the matter is revealed slowly, like a jigsaw puzzle, or an artist's canvas.

I am being pointed in some directions for this ministry event, I am developing the picture, I think I know what I see. But I do not have confidence in what I am seeing. Is there more than meets the eye? Has the portrait reveled itself to the degree of accuracy required? If I decide on direction, staff, purpose and vision today, will the call stand up under further review? or shall I just keep my head in the booth, keep everyone waiting for a few months, let the payers get cold and frustrated, and take my chances?

Death by meeting tonight. I anticipate much discussion, little conclusion, and perhaps one more plot of color in this panorama before me.

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