Monday, March 5, 2012


There are more people, everywhere, than ever before. Like 7 billion.
Developing nations have fallen in love with internal combustion.
Rain forests are diminishing and the cost of living is rising.

I am not one of those grumpy old guys that say, "What the heck is the world coming to anyway..." and I am not going to blame rock and roll, or the Illuminati, or the computers taking over. But I am a bit concerned about the future that my grandchildren may face.

There is more demand, and less supply, of food, fuel, finances, and all the other things that we think we need to survive and thrive. We have more possessions, more gizmos, more communications, more medicines, more of everything that we can count and touch and look at.

And we have less community, less freedom, less love. But those are harder to count. And I cannot sell or buy them. And no one has found a way to make money off of them. yet.

The world is a complicated place, no doubt. I don't think the politicians have the answers, even if they tell you they do. I don't think American Idol is going to save us. But we will watch anyway.

I wonder if there are still places in the world where people like you and I can experience truth, love, and hope. Where we can deal in total honesty with one another and love each other in spite of all the garbage that we wade through day in and day out. I wonder.

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