Saturday, August 22, 2009

Weddings, what fun.

I went to a wedding today. A friend of mine married the love of his life, and I am extremely happy for them. A beautiful bride, handsome groom, everyone looking their best, and a room full of love. What could be better?

I am excited for Cody and Lydia, but there is more too it. When we see a couple like this, we are reminded that marriage is still good, that it is still pure and proper and right. As happy as I am for them, I am also reminded that my marriage is just as lovely and vital, but in a different and unique way. I am reminded that we are made to be together, boys and girls, we are made for one another, and we ought to give and take joy from our companion.

We all know the threats that face marriage today. Easy divorce, a straying spouse, boys and boys or girls and girls pledging to one another and calling it marriage. We know the pressure that comes with a coupled life, responsibility, commitment, financial woes, finding time for one another, etc.

And we know the statistics. Too scary to mention on a day like this. Even with all of those threats and burdens, marriage is still good. And right, and true. We are better together than by ourselves. We are made for community, and that begins with the community of two.

And the community of two, the institution of couple-hood, the titles of husband and wife, we do our best for our own marriages when we place ourselves, united together in the hands of a God who loves, a God who blesses, a God who teaches us to forgive, to surrender, to give ourselves completely to Him and to our better half. It still works, it is still the best place for us to be.

Congratulations Cody and Lydia. Many Blessings to you both. And thank you, God for loving us to the point where we can love one another.

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